At the bottom of the screen you have the choice of Hand mode, Rotate mode, and Arrow mode, as indicated by the obvious icons. It's an either/or proposition--you can only be in one of these modes at once. Most of the time, you'll be in Hand mode. I really see no use whatsoever for arrow mode, but if you do, lovely. Arrow mode lets you input Points and Routes.
In Hand mode, if you put the cursor somewhere on the map, you can drag the map. Works best when GPS isn't connected--when GPS is connected, the map immediately snaps back to put your location right in the middle. Still, it's a good safe mode because if you touch the screen accidentally nothing bad happens. If you hold the cursor on a Point you've already made, you'll bring up a little menu--the upper item is to edit the info about the point, the lower one is to simply see any comments about it.