updated 2013 December

General Instructions

for the Super Dictionary

See here for latest JLT System news

New! Video guides to using the JLT Axim X51V Complete System!

Important note if you're using the version of this guide installed on your PDA or the version on the DVD: links shown in RED are to external sites; do not click on links to external sites unless you're connected to the internet. If you are viewing this guide online, then of course you can click on the links. Also, if you're viewing this on the PDA, some mouseover effects don't work (no mouse! I'm working on it!). In the meantime, you can get the full function by viewing the documentation online or from the DVD that came with your system.

      If you bought a dictionary card from me, the first thing you should do is use a card reader to copy it to your regular computer so you'll have a backup if something ever happens to the card. If you bought a complete system from me, a complete backup will be included on CD, along with the system software and manuals.

      If you have a JLT system, you can download the latest versions of the General Instructions and the Mapple Guides to use on your JLT PDA; simply replace the appropriate folder on your PDA's memory card with the same folder from one of the zip files below (after unzipping it, of course; and remember to follow your computer's instructions for safely removing the memory card from the card reader after copying the new folder to your card):

I. EBPocket Instructions


Adding Dictionaries and Editing Dictionary Groups

General Use

Guides to the particular dictionaries

The Edict Audio Companion

II. System Instructions

General (including installing software; Axim X51V introductory video)

Connecting to your computer

Entering Text (Input Method Editor)

Start Menu (Access to all basic functions) and ActiveSync


Built-in Programs

Charging and caring for your PDA and battery

Other included and recommended programs

Using TCPMP with the Edict Audio Companion and the Audio Flashcards

Transfering Files over Wi-Fi (with Mocha FTP)

Connecting to the Internet

Installing programs

More info on the English OS

How to set up your system again after a crash or hard reset

Setting up your new X30 if you've received the battery separately (or after a crash or hard reset)

Using Pocket Mapple Digital ver. 10-13

Using Pocket Mapple Digital ver. 9

Getting Started with the iBlue 747Pro GPS

III. Care and Troubleshooting

click here

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