JLT Dictionaries
on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch
updated July 19,
- Everything below applies to the iPad and iPod
Touch, too, but since far more people have iPhones, that's what I
- I'm an iPhone user myself, and I'm constantly
scouring the App Store and blogs around the world to find the best
Japanese dictionary apps.
JLT on
the iPhone: The touchscreen of the iPhone lets you use
handwriting recognition to easily enter and look up unknown kanji and
words, and with regular keyboards and spoken word entry you'll always
have the best way to look up Japanese right at hand. EBPocket for iOS
is a superb Japanese dictionary app due to its advanced search features,
expandability, and fast performance. The JLT dictionary suite (all free
except Eijiro) gives the most convenient, complete,
and useful set of resources for anyone learning Japanese or using it in
their daily lives: Edict (heavily
customized by JLT to give much better English-to-Japanese search results
than the standard Edict that comes with the app and is widely available
elsewhere) for quick lookups; Enamdict,
a huge dictionary of Japanese proper names, including place, personal,
and commercial names; Conjugations,
which not only helps you conjugate verbs but also lets you enter a
conjugated form to find out what tense of what verb it is; Kanjidic,
which is exactly what you'd expect--it also includes stroke order
diagrams to teach you how to write each kanji properly; and the
crown jewel of the JLT system, the JLT version
of Eijiro--Eijiro
is by far the most complete Japanese<>English dictionary
available, but it's made for educated native speakers and in its
native state is very difficult to use if you haven't memorized
thousands of kanji. I've added yomigana to almost every
kanji-containing word in both the E-to-J and J-to-E parts of Eijiro, not
only making it far easier to read the results of any search but also
making it possible for the first time to look up a Japanese word in
Eijiro by how it's pronounced as well as by how it's written. You can
also add some of the excellent commercial dictionaries in EPWING format
like Daijirin and Koujien (both Japanese-Japanese dictionaries), the
intermediate and large versions of Kenkyusha, the Nouveau
Petit Royale French<>Japanese dictionary, and others; plus
any of the excellent free EPWING dictionaries, some of which are
described elsewhere on the site.
How good is it?
In short, superb. The combination of EBPocket Pro, the JLT dictionaries,
and Tegaki Keyboard is far and away the best Japanese dictionary system
you can get for your iPhone--or any other platform.
There are also apps that let you use the camera to scan in a
character or word you see written somewhere. The best of them are Japan
Goggles and Yomiwa.
They're not perfect, but in the right circumstances they can be extremely
useful--they won't replace a good dictionary program and dictionaries
(mostly because they don't work at all in many circumstances, and are
limited by very small dictionaries when they do), but they can be very
useful adjuncts to them. And of course you can find all sorts of other
apps to help you in your Japanese learning and life, everything from
flashcard apps to help you learn kanji and vocabulary to map apps telling
you how to find the nearest craft brewer or gas station or avoid speed
How to
set up your iPhone or iPad as a superb Japanese dictionary
JLT dictionaries to EBPocket: Instructions for several methods
are described in Japanese on the
EBPocket home page, but here's a quick guide to the easiest one in
English. It may be helpful to consult the screenshots in the Japanese
instructions, even if you'd rather follow the English instructions here.
- Buy the EBPocket Professional app from the App Store.
It's only US$4.99, and the free version lacks the advanced search
features that are necessary to get the most out of a huge dictionary
like Eijiro.
- Download and unzip the dictionaries you want; see
the JLT offerings below. Each dictionary is an entire folder--don't
try to open, move around, rename, or otherwise change anything in a
dictionary folder. (The folder you want
contains an extensionless file called called CATALOGS, a subfolder
that could be called anything, and perhaps some other files.)
- Move the entire folder for each dictionary to the
EBPocket folder on your iPhone. The easy way is through iTunes (the
only limitation is that you can't delete the dictionary that comes
with the app through iTunes, wasting a few tens of MB of your device's
precious memory); if you don't have a computer with iTunes handy or if
you do want to delete that dictionary, then you can use the alternative method.
- Open iTunes and connect your iPhone, iPod Touch,
or iPad.
- Click the icon for your device near the upper
left-hand corner of the iTunes window.
- In the left-hand column, tap "Apps."
- You'll see a section in the right window called
"Apps," listing all your apps, including EBPocket. This is NOT what
you want. Use the right-most slider to scroll down past that
section until you get to a section labeled "File Sharing" (below
that, "The apps listed below can transfer doccuments between your
iPhone/iPod/iPad and this computer."). There should be far fewer
apps listed in this section--here you choose EBPocket.
- Now above the window to the right of the app list,
you'll see the heading "EBPocket Documents," and the contents which
will probably just be a file called "custom.png" and folders called
"Settings" and "EBPocket," followed by a lot of empty space. Drag
and drop the folders of the dictionaries you want into that empty
space. In
the screenshot on the developer's site, you can see that he's
installed dictionary folders called "GENIUS4" and "tougou8." Note:
it IS possible to drop them into the EBPocket folder, but if you do
you won't be able to delete them later if you ever update the
dictionaries or just decide you don't need them and want to save
space (unless you use the more difficult alternate method linked
- You can remove a dictionary from the dictionary
list in the app itself by deleting it in the program (see next
steps), but the files will still be taking up memory on your device;
to actually delete the files, select the dictionary folder you want
to remove, hit the "Delete" button on your computer, and click
"Delete" in the ensuing pop-up.
- The previous steps put the dictionary files onto
your device but the app still isn't set to use them. To do that, open
the EBPocket app and tap the Book icon at the bottom right, tap
Dictionaries at the top of the screen, and tap Edit.
- Tap the "Do Not Enter" sign next to EDICT2 (the
dictionary that comes with the app); a "Delete" tab will appear next
to it; tap that to delete it. In the next step, you'll be replacing it
with the JLT version.
- Now, tap "Add" and add the dictionaries you want.
After adding them, grab the icon to the right of each dictionary and
drag it up or down to where you want that dictionary to appear in the
order of dictionaries in the Dictionary Menu.
- Tap Done to get out of the Edit screen and then
Search to get back to the Search screen.
Here are
the standard JLT dictionaries. Other than Eijiro,
the JLT dictionaries can be downloaded for free from their respective
pages. Edict, Enamdict, and Kanjidic are all based on the dictionaries
of the Electronic
Dictionary Research and Development Group, under the fearless
leadership of Prof. Jim Breen, at Monash University in Australia (copyright
and license terms), and Conjugations, while put together by JLT,
uses data from EDRDG and many other sources. See the pages below for
more information and to download the free dictionaries. You can download
or buy these dictionaries once and also use them on your Android
or regular Windows, Linux, or Mac computer as well as your iOS
- Eijiro--While
the Japanese-English dictionaries in a typical electronic
dictionary have about 100,000 entries each way--and the best
have about 250,000--Eijiro has over 2 million entries each
way. Not only that, but Eijiro's entries are rich with
variants and example sentences (over half a million each way).
Not only that, but, unlike any other version of Eijjro you can
find, the JLT version shows the pronunciation of almost every
Japanese word, and it allows you to search for words by
entering either kana or kanji (or even romaji, via a setting
in EBPocket). The JLT conversion of
the Eijiro dictionaries and sale on this website are by
written permission of EDP (obtained August 11, 2008). "Eijiro"
is a registered trademark of Sachiko Michihata. The current
JLT version of Eijiro is based on v. 150 of the Eijiro
- Edict--for
everyday things, it's got 130,000 J>E and 175,000 E>J
entries, all with the full information right in front of
you--kanji, hiragana pronunciation, English definition—in nice
compact entries. The JLT version has been heavily edited from
the original to offer vastly improved English-to-Japanese
search results. Plus, you can instantly jump from any verb in
Edict to its entry in Conjugations, below, then jump back!
- Enamdict--kanji
and readings for just about every personal, place, and
commercial name in Japan--with Japanese versions of many
foreign names, too.
- Kanjidic--a
dictionary of all 6355 kanji in the JIS X 0208 set, each with
the definition in English, a full set of information about
about the character, and a stroke order diagram to teach you
how to draw the character correctly. Combined with the various
kanji lookup tools of your iPhone, this is the easiest and
most useful kanji dictionary you'll ever find.
- Conjugations--Quickly
find out how to say and write any tense of any verb, or you
can enter a conjugated form of a verb to find out what tense
it is and what the base verb is (it’s not always easy to
tell--unless you've got the Conjugations dictionary), then
jump to that verb's entry in one of the other dictionaries.
There are also a wide variety of other
dictionaries available around the web, everything from English-English
dictionaries, Sanskrit-English, Japanese-German, and archaic kanji to
various encylcopedias, Shakespeare, and texts and dictionaries for
various religious studies (the Buddhist terms dictionary is especially
impressive) and specialized interests, like military terms, flowers,
biology, computer, and business terms. Some of the most useful are
listed here on my site, along with
a few others I've converted from free and open sources and data made
available to me.
Handwriting Entry Keyboards
Some you only find if you search the App
Store in Japanese ("手書"), some only in English. Prices below are in US
dollars and of course yen, depending on which app store you use. Links
below are to the Japan App Store; to find them in the US App Store,
search for 手書 or the app's name in the store from your iPhone or iPad
itself or from iTunes.
Top choice:
書きキーボード (Tegaki Keyboard)--480円
This was my first choice when it first came out in late 2014 and it
still is. Best features, great price, and--most importantly--it works
beautifully. It's quick and accurate. I even found the 30-stroke 鸞
on the first try. I've been using this every day for almost two years
now--it never lets me down. Some of the great features:
- You can change the auto-enter delay and even turn auto-enter
off, which is great. The delay determines how long after you stop
writing it automatically enters its first choice--too short and it
enters at any pause, before you finish writing the character or
before you have a chance to confirm what it thinks you're trying
to write. But an experienced user would keep it very short to be
able to enter character after character very quickly. You'll
probably want to start with it turned off.
- The default writing area is fairly large, but you can also
choose an even larger one. Having enough space to write really
lets you write faster--you don't have to be so precise about
moving your big old fingertip inside a tiny box.
- It has arrow keys to move you back and forth one space at a time
in the text you've entered. This sounds minor but it's a big
convenience. A very thoughtful feature.
- It has a big search key (magnifying glass icon), which some of
the other keyboard apps lack.
The extremely generic name makes it very hard to find anything about the
app online. These folks are great developers but they really need to
hire a marketer. The other minus is that, although the developers have
a number of apps in the US and other app stores, this app is available
only in the Japanese app store. You can establish an account there,
switch your iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch to the Japanese store, buy the app,
then switch back to your regular app store, but it shouldn't be
1080円 (US
or Japan app store, probably also available in other national app
stores). A great keyboard, but given that Tegaki Keyboard above works
just as well and has better features for half the price, Mazec isn't my
top choice. But it does everything right: big enough writing area, all
the necessary keys, finds everything I tried to write on the first try,
including the characters that stumped MyScript Stack and Rakibo. If you
can't access the Japanese app store to get Tegaki Keyboard, Mazec is an
excellent fallback.
Rakibo--About a buck in the
app stores (and probably others). Good, but doesn't work as well as the
options above, and has a clunkier interface, so I don't recommend it.
Stack--not very good for entering Japanese.